Older women sitting alone at home

25% of older women in Australia live below the poverty line.

One of the groups most vulnerable to poverty and homelessness is older women. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, approximately 25% of single older women in Australia live below the poverty line.

Many elderly women struggle to find safe, secure, and affordable housing, which can leave them in inadequate living conditions or sleeping rough.

There is an urgent need to provide older women with dignified and co-housing options that allow them to live independently while still having access to support services.

They need our help.

Sharing with Friends Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation committed to finding a solution to homelessness in older women.

Due to a variety of circumstances, such as job loss, divorce, or other life events, older women may find themselves without a home. This is a deeply concerning issue, and we believe that it is our community responsibility to address this problem.

About Us
Older women drinking tea
Older woman knitting with her new friends

We are committed to creating affordable co-housing communities for older women in need of a safe, secure home.

Our co-housing model is more than just housing - it’s a community. Our residents share resources, support each other, and work together to create a safe and welcoming environment that promotes health and well-being.

We believe that by building a community that supports and uplifts its members, we can help mitigate the risk of homelessness for older women.

Our prototype co-housing model will be built with the needs of older women in mind. The design will include private living spaces that are accessible and easy to navigate, as well as communal spaces that encourage interaction and socialisation.

We believe that by providing a dignified living space and supportive community, we can help older women feel valued and connected.

We are excited about the potential impact that our co-housing model can have on the lives of older women who are at risk of homelessness.

Our Vision

We need your support.

We believe that housing is a fundamental right and governments cannot do it alone.

By supporting Sharing with Friends, you’re joining us in this mission and gives everyone the opportunity to be part of the solution.

You can make your donation via Shout For Good or bank deposit

Interested in our co-housing model?

Learn the answers to common questions about living in a Sharing with Friends co-housing community.

Find the answers here